Time and Attendance for Enterprises

Time and Attendance for large enterprises. Managers can check the attendance of their team whenever, wherever they want. 7 days free

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Time and attendance app - Clock in & Clock out
Manage time and attendance
Proper Employee attendance records to ensure compliance with labour laws and prevent expensive legal suits. A lot of senior executives are 'on the move'. They can keep a track of their team through our feature rich, Time & Attendance tracking app. Clocking in & out is as simple as tapping a button
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Time and attendance app - Synced to the cloud
Cloud Time Attendance
Employee time information is synced to the cloud. The attendance records are tucked away securely with no fear of data loss. Managers can customize the view of Mobile & Desktop App for total control via cloud time attendance
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Time and attendance app - Calculating overtime of your Employees – pain in the neck?
Advanced clocking system
Calculating overtime of your Employees – pain in the neck? With our automated Time and Attendance system, overtime and undertime are calculated automatically. Incorporating the employees overtime wages in your Payroll is easy
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Boost your Employees productivity. Try our Time tracker App
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ubiAttendance Android & IOS App for Employees & HR managers
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